The unhealthiest type of fat in our body is Belly fat. People with excessive belly fat are vulnerable to diabetes, heart disease, certain cancers, and stroke. The main reasons of belly fat are unhealthy food habits, no physical activities and poor quality sleep. There may be other reasons like age, genetics and hormones etc. which are not completely in our control. First focus on what is our control.
Thus, you should change your lifestyle and start doing exercises. Good physical activities can increase your quality of sleep as well as your body would be tired enough for good rest.
All exercises do not need to be hard and time-consuming. In this article, we are going to talk about 16 Simple Exercises to reduce belly fat. These exercises will help you in getting a well-toned stomach. Also, remember that diet is very important along with exercises.
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Can exercise lose belly fat?
Yes, absolutely. While the low intensity exercises may not help you much, moderate or high intensity exercises can help you reduce belly fat mass.
Is It Possible To Lose Belly Fat In A Week?
The short and straight answer in NO. It is scientifically impossible to lose belly fat in a week’s time as the fat in the stomach is quite tough to melt.
What are the exercises to lose belly fat during pregnancy ?
I am not an expert in this topic. Hence, I would recommend you to consult a certified physical trainer and a doctor before you start any exercises to lose belly fat if you are pregnant.
Exercises to lose belly fat in 2 weeks at Home
The most frequently asked question by beginners is “how can I lose my belly fat in 2 weeks at home?”. The answer completely depends on the amount and type of belly fat that you have and the diet you have been taking from past few months/years.
If you had consumed lot of sugar items like ice creams, sweets, chocolates, soft drinks etc., the fat would be hard to melt. If you got the belly fat by consuming more of carbohydrates like rice and noodles, then it would be less harder to melt.
I repeat – your diet is the most important factor here. Combine them with the below list of simple exercises to reduce belly fat. I would recommend you not to stress yourself too much in the beginning as you need to respect your body first. Notice on how your body is reacting to your new belly fat reducing exercises routine in the first week. You can increase or decrease the intensity depending on that.
If you have some real need to reduce the belly fat fast, then please consult an experienced physical trainer and doctor as well first.
Simple and Effective Exercises to Reduce Belly Fat
If you want to strengthen your core, then Burpees is the perfect exercise for you. It will work your core, triceps, lats, quads, chest, and shoulders. You need to do a plyometric movement during this exercise. Thus, your heart will start pumping too.
Burpees can help you strengthen the muscles in your abdomen, arms, legs, hips, buttocks, shoulders and chest. Hence, this would help your most of body get fit.

How to do: You need to first stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. After that, you need to lower your body and send your hips back. Then, you need to place your hands on the floor and hop your feet back. Make sure that your chest is touching the floor. After that, you need to lift your body into a plank position by using your hands. Then, keep your feet just outside of both hands. Make sure that your weight is on your heels and then jump explosively into the air.
Mountain Climbers
Mountain Climbers are similar to the burpees. You can use it for training your core. Also, it is easy to do when compared to burpees.
Mountain climbers are great for agility, core strength and building cardio endurance.
How to do: First, you need to get into a plank position. Your wrists should be under your shoulders. Make sure that your core is tight by drawing your belly button towards your spine. Then, you need to drive your left knee towards your chest. Bring your feet back to the plank position. After that, you need to repeat this with your left knee.
Plank is probably the best exercise to train your upper and lower abs. You can also use it for training your biceps, glutes, and shoulders. It is also very easy to perform. You can reduce belly fat by performing this exercise.

How to do: First, you need to kneel down and place your elbows on your mat. Then, extend your left and right leg back. Make sure that your hips, back, and hips are in the same line. All you need to do is hold this position for 30-60 seconds. Try to do 3-4 sets of 30-60 seconds each. However, make sure that you are not keeping your palms away from the shoulders. This will actually decrease your muscle tension.
Crunches are the best way to lose belly fat. If you want quick results, then you should definitely perform this exercise. The best thing about this exercise is that you can also perform it in your home. You don’t need any special equipment for performing this exercise.
How to do: First, you need to lie down on your mat. Make sure that your feet are on the ground. Then, you need to pull up your legs at a 90-degree angle. After that, place your hands on your chest in a crossed position. You need to exhale while pushing your body and inhale again when you are coming back. Make sure that you are performing at least 3 sets of 10 repetitions daily.

Running on an incline
If you want to quickly burn your calories, then you should actually run at an incline. You will burn 50% more calories if you are running on an incline. It is best to do this exercise on an inclined treadmill. Make sure to do walking for at least 5-10 minutes. After that, you can do this exercise.
How to do: First, you need to walk on an inline for some time. Then, you need to maintain a jog for 5-10 minutes. After that, you can start running. You can run for 5 minutes and then again jog for 5-10 minutes. This will ensure that you won’t burn out quickly.
Russian Twist
Russian twists can help you in strengthening your core. It can also improve the oblique definition and strength. If you have a medicine ball, then you should perform this exercise with the ball. However, you can also perform this exercise without using any ball.
How to do: You need to sit on your mat first and then lift your legs. Make sure that your knees are flexed and then lean back. You can join your palms as it will help you in maintaining your balance. This is the initial position of this exercise. All you need to do now is to twist your upper body to the left and then to the right. However, make sure that you are not holding your breath during this exercise.
Lying Alternate Toe Taps
This exercise can help you in strengthening your upper and lower abs. it will also hit your glutes and obliques.
How to do: You need to lie down on your mat. After that, lift your legs and extend your hands. Then, lift both your upper back and head off the floor. This will engage your core. Now, curl up and try to touch your right foot by using your left hand. Similarly, curl up and try to touch your left foot by using your right hand. You can perform 2 sets of 10 repetitions each.
Overhead medicine ball slams
This is a great exercise for strengthening your core muscle. It will test your endurance level. Also, your heart rate will go up during this exercise. If you want maximum benefits, then you use a heavy ball.
How to do: You need to first stand tall and make sure that your feet are hip-distance apart. Then, you need to hold a medicine ball with your bands and then fully extend your body. You need to slam the ball on the ground with maximum force. After that, you need to perform a squat while picking up the medicine ball.
Sit-ups can help you in strengthening your lower and upper abs. It is an effective exercise that will help you in reducing belly fat.
How to do: You need to lie down on your mat and place your heels on it. Make sure to engage your core and flex your knees. You can keep your hands at the back of your head. Then, try to use your core strength for lifting your body to a sitting position. After that, go back down to the initial position and again repeat. You can do 3 sets of 12 repetitions each.
Lying Leg Raises
This is probably the easiest exercise to perform. However, it can help you in training your hamstrings, quads, glutes, upper abs, and lower abs. Thus, you should definitely perform this exercise.
How to do: You need to lie down on your mat and then keep your palms flat on the floor. Your thumbs should be placed under your hips. Then, you need to lift your feet a little from the ground and then look at the ceiling. Make sure that your core is engaged. This is going to be the initial position. Now, you need to slowly raise your legs at the right angle and then slowly bring them back. You can perform 3 sets of 20 repetitions.
Scissor Kicks
Scissor kicks will help you in training your quads, hamstrings, glutes, upper abs, and lower abs.
How to do: You need to lie down your mat first. Your palms will be placed under your hips. Then, you need to lift your legs, upper back, and head off the floor. This is going to be the initial position of this exercise. Start lowering your right leg but make sure that it doesn’t touch the floor. Then, lift your left leg and start lowering your right leg. You can perform 3 steps of 15 repetitions.
In the past, we thought that only cardio sessions can help them in burning fat. However, now we know that intense bursts of fast-paced cardio are the best way to reduce belly fat.
How to do: Make sure to do a 10-minute warm-up before doing this exercise. After that, in the next 30 seconds, you need to do as many reps you can perform of single-arm rows, push-ups, and squats. You can then rest for 30 seconds and then you need to perform another exercise for 30 seconds. If you want the best results, then you should 10 rounds of this workout. You can choose any exercise that you like. However, make sure that you are hitting all the muscle groups.

Bicycling is one of the best ways to reduce belly fat. It is a low impact cardio exercise that will help you in reducing belly fat. The best thing about bicycling is that it is also a great way to see the countryside.
You can enjoy the scenery while burning your belly fat. The average person can burn up to 250 calories during a 15-minute ride.
Yoga won’t help you in burning a lot of calories. However, it will help you in building your muscles. It will also help you in improving your endurance which will help you in boosting your metabolism. Some of the best yoga poses that you can perform are plank, wheel, Chaturanga, and chair. you can perform reduce belly fat by performing yoaa.
Strength Training
Strength Training is the best way to build your muscles. If you are lifting moderately heavyweights, then you should switch to heavier weights. Also, try to reduce the rest time between your reps. However, make sure that your technique doesn’t suffer if you are increasing your weight as it can also lead to an injury.
Walking or Running
Most people think that running won’t help them in targeting their belly fat. However, there is actually no way to target your belly fat. Your genetics will decide where your body will store the fat.
Running is the easiest method to burn calories which will help you in decreasing your body fat percentage. Exercising will help you in shedding fat from other areas also. Walking and running are considered as the best fat-burning exercises. You can reduce belly fat by simply walking.
You don’t need any equipment for doing this exercise. All you need is willpower to do this exercise. If you want to quickly burn calories, then you should do running. However, walking will also help you in burning calories. Make sure to warm up if you are going to do running. Also, it is important to cool down after completing your running session.
These are some simple exercises that will help you in reducing belly fat. It is going to be a tough journey. However, it is not impossible to reduce belly fat. Make sure that you are eating right as your diet is going to be the most important thing in this journey. If you are eating too much, then you won’t see much effect even after performing these exercises. It is important to eat the right food.